Автор Тема: 09TV085R10  (Прочитано 165 раз)


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« : 01 Декабря 2023, 21:12:54 »
Install the latest software package #39 using the files attached to this document and following the abridged
procedure for software fixes outlined on the next page.
NOTE: For the full upgrade procedure (panel and board exchange), please refer to TB 09TV083.
Date Attachment Remarks
September 2011
SW: M 7.039
NVM: N 6.011
Standby: S 9.2000
Upgrader: U 7.000
SecureNVM_M7R39_19INCH_WXGA_MID19.upg For 19S5700
SecureNVM_M7R39_19INCH_WXGA_MID20.upg For 19S5710
SecureNVM_M7R39_19INCH_WXGA_MID21.upg For 19S5720
SecureNVM_M7R39_19INCH_WXGA_MID22.upg For 19S5730
Update procedure
1. Take an empty USB stick, and create a folder called “upgrades”.
2. Download the attached “Production_SecureDev_19Inch_MxRxx_Mx.xxx.upg” software file.
3. Copy this file inside the “upgrades” folder of the USB stick.
4. Insert the USB stick in the USB TV slot, and switch on the TV.
5. Open the Service Menu by clicking “<info> + <5> + <Vol+> + <standby>”.
6. Within the Service Menu, select “Software Upgrade”. The TV will automatically restart and the Upgrader Menu
will appear.
7. Select the “Production_SecureDev_MxRxx_Mx.xxx.upg” file.
8. The upgrade process starts, indicated by the process bar progressing from 0 to 100 %. Wait until the download
menu reappears.
9. Reset the TV by unplugging the AC power cord for 5 minutes (simply powering off is not enough), and plug it
NOTE: It is essential to respect these 5 minutes in order to have the Standby micro correctly updated.
10. Apply “TT08”.

09TV085 - Software Packages Follow-Up for EX-2N_Clove Chassis [REVISION 10]
Не стоит прогибаться под изменчивый мир. Пусть лучше он прогнётся под нас!