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« : 02 Декабря 2023, 00:39:29 »
AZ-1BD Chassis
AZ-1H_1A, 2A-1.5, 2A-2.5, 2A-2, 2A-3 Chassis
AZ-1L_2B-1, 2B-1.5, 2B-2, 3A-0, 3A-0.3, 3A-0.5, 3A-1, 3A-2, 5-0, 5-2P Chassis
Subject: Software Packages Follow-Up for AZ-1BD / AZ-1H / AZ-1L Chassis [REVISION 33]
The latest software packages are valid for the listed models of the AZ-1BD, AZ-1H and AZ-1L Chassis. Amongst
others, they resolve the issues mentioned below.
Issue IRIS
code Rev. Chassis
After powering OFF/ON (or Deep Standby), the TV shuts down with the LED
blinking 5 times.
* With Stby/ON operation => TV shuts down again and problem persists.
* With powering OFF/ON, symptom does not happen and TV works normally.
117E SFT R1
“Dolby Digital” volume is louder than other audio formats in Digital
(MPEG-4 HE-ACC etc.). C577 APD
Spanish I-Manual contains non-Spanish text 1881 TXT
TV freeze on Canal Digital cable in Norway
* Using PCMCIA card and Canal Digital cable (Digital broadcasting),
the picture freezes and it is necessary to reboot the TV in some cases.
Certification version for Ziggo Broadcaster (NL) 118C FMW
Certification version for Canal Digital (Norway) C18C FMW
T2 receiver DRC audio level C521 APD
IPTV: Love Film issue (UK) 1283 NIF
IPTV : NOS contents error (NL) 1283 NIF
No audio on HDMI
* No or unstable audio via HDMI with NTv STBx.
* AZ1H chassis: No sound via HDMI (Grundig DVB-T receiver).
1511 APD R4
“Pong” sound
* A “Pong” noise can be heard when the set is powered on and the SONY logo
appears. XMB tones and the “Pong” noise can be disabled by selecting
[XMB] => [Settings] => [Sound] => [Key tone OFF].
174B XMB R5
TV resets by itself when connecting PCMCIA (Only AZ-1H) 111B MCB
When watching MHEG services, the i-manual disappears after 10 seconds
* When watching Sky mux and selecting XMB and the i-manual, the screen
with the i-manual appears but after 10 seconds disappears automatically.
1734 IDS
T-Home cable via CAM module (Bulgaria broadcaster)
* When watching T-Home cable scrambled services with CAM & when watching
encrypted channels, every five min. the picture and audio drops during 2 sec.
1357 MCB
 Download and unzip the attached zip file(s) in order to install the applicable software, following the abridged
procedure for software fixes below.
NOTE: The full procedure (panel and board exchange) can be found in TB 10TV019 (AZ-1H Chassis) or
10TV020 (AZ-1BD, AZ-1L Chassis).
 It is safe to copy files from different packages to the same USB stick, as the TV will automatically
recognize and select the correct file for a specific model.
Date Chassis / Segment Attachment Version in TV menu
January 2015
AZ-1BD AZ1BD_v0531_EUB.zip PKG 4.131 EUB
AZ-1H / 1A (except LX904) AZ1H_v0531_EUD.zip PKG 4.131 EUD
AZ-1H / 1A (only LX904) AZ1H_v0531_EID.zip PKG 4.131 EID
AZ-1H / 2A-2, 2A-3 AZ1H_v0531_EUH.zip PKG 4.131 EUH
AZ-1H / 2A-1.5, 2A-2.5 AZ1H_v0560_EUS.zip PKG 5.060 EUS
AZ-1L / 2B-1, 2B-1.5 AZ1L_v0531_EUT.zip PKG 4.131 EUT
AZ-1L / 2B-2, 3A-0, 3A-0.3, 3A-0.5,
3A-1 (except EX504), 3A-2, 5-0 AZ1L_v0531_EUL.zip PKG 4.131 EUL
AZ-1L / 3A-1 (only EX504) AZ1L_v0531_EIL.zip PKG 4.131 EIL
AZ-1L_5-2P AZ1L_v0630_EUP.zip PKG 6.030 EUP
SW Upgrade procedure
1. Unzip the applicable software file(s).
2. A folder “SONY_dtv*” will be created automatically. Copy this entire folder to a USB stick.
3. Make sure the TV is powered OFF.
4. Remove all cables (RF, External input, Ethernet etcetera).
5. Insert the USB stick to the TV.

10TV021 - Software Packages Follow-Up for AZ-1BD  AZ-1H  AZ-1L Chassis [REVISION 33]
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