EG-1L, EG-1L_100Hz, EG-1L_200Hz Chassis BC
Subject IRIS
SW Version Deduction from Product Information
In case you do not have direct access to the SW version information, you can deduce the SW version number by
decoding the product information.
Use the table below to deduce the SW version number.
NOTE: An Excel file that automatically converts the product information is attached to this document.
1. Separate the letters in the product info according to the table below.
2. Change all letters to the corresponding numbers from the Alphabet, according to the table below.
3. Calculate the software version number.
• In case a letter occurs separately in the product information line (M, N, C, T, A, L in the example), then multiply
this value by 1.
• In case two letters are combined (BI, DV, BO, BW), then the first one must be multiplied by 26 (B, D, B, B).
• Numbers that are deduced from combined letters must be added to each other (BI => 26 + 8 =34).
• Explanation of the logic in the example below (for MBI and DV/N):
* MBI: Just copy ‘12’ - Put a dot in the second square – Add 26 to 8 (=34)