Автор Тема: 16TV017R1  (Прочитано 121 раз)


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« : 06 Декабря 2023, 06:25:25 »
Subject: Some channels disappear – How to recover lost channels? [REVISION 1]
NOTE: Do not replace parts (mainboard, etc.) or create AEP event because of this issue!
Customers may report that some channels disappear from the channel list. There is an issue where a channel position is sometimes changed when channel information like channel name changes.
If this problem occurs only with satellite channels, advise the customer to set "Digital Auto Service Update" to “OFF” (go to Home screen > [Settings] > [Digital Set-up] > [Satellite Auto Service Update] > [Preferred Satellite] or [General Satellite] > [Off]). Please instruct the customer to follow the steps below in order to move the channel back to its original position:
If Sony Editor is used:
1. Search the channel
1.1. Export channel list (sdb.xml)
**Make sure a USB storage device is connected with TV and then go to [Settings]-[Channel setup]-[Digital setup]-[Technical setup]-[Programme List Transfer]-[Export]
1.2. Open the channel list on Sony Editor on PC with the USB storage, and find the channel by pressing <Ctrl+F> and typing the channel name on the dialog
2. Move the channel back
2.1. Move the channel to the original position on Sony Editor on PC and import the list into TV by [Settings]-[Channel setup]-[Digital setup]-[Technical setup]-[Programme List Transfer]-[Import]
If Sony Editor is not used:
1. Search the channel
1.1. Go to Home Screen by HOME key, enter the channel name on Search field on the top of Home, enter the channel name and search (the channel name might be exactly same)
2. Move the channel back
2.1. Launch Programme List edit.
** In case of Digital/Cable: [Settings]-[Channel setup]-[Digital setup]-[Digital Tuning]-[Programme List edit]
** In case of Satellite: [Settings]-[Channel setup]-[Digital setup]-[Satellite setup]-[Satellite Programme List edit]
2.2. Move the cursor to the target channel (the cursor can move by channel number by digit key), push RIGHT key to select the channel, move the cursor to the original channel number and push LEFT key to swap the channel
Не стоит прогибаться под изменчивый мир. Пусть лучше он прогнётся под нас!