Автор Тема: 16TV018R0  (Прочитано 167 раз)


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« : 06 Декабря 2023, 06:29:05 »
Chassis: GN1T / GN1G / GN2SK
Subject: Android Programme list Edit App
NOTE: Do not replace parts (mainboard, etc.) or create AEP event because of this issue!
CAUTION: This app is allowed to be used only by ASC technician. Please do not distribute this app to end users.
If you are having a problem sorting the TV channels on a Sony Android TV during a service event, you can download the Android Programme List Edit app (see URL below). This app enables you comfortably to sort the channel list directly onto a Sony Android TV without having to export the channel list to a PC.
Installation Requirements:
 GN1G/GN1T set with Firmware version PKG3.395 or higher
 GN2SK set with Firmware version PKG3.413 or higher
Download and Installation Instructions:
1) Download Android Programme List Edit app (URL: http://services.sony.co.uk/support/en/download/proglistedit_v1_0-forUsbStorage)
2) Unzip file and copy “.bravia-shopdemo” folder to a USB flash drive
3) Insert the USB flash drive into a TV’s USB port
4) Install Android Programme List Edit app by [Home]-[Settings]-[Retail mode Settings]-[Install demo app from USB]-[INSTALL]
General Usage Instructions (see screenshots at bottom):
1) Launch [Home]-[Settings]-[Channel Setup]-[Digital Setup]-[Technical Setup]
2) Export the channel list to the USB flash drive by [Program List Transfer]-[Export]-[Yes] => Sdb.xml will be is saved on the root of the USB flash drive
3) Launch Android Programme List Edit app from [Home]-[Settings]-[Apps]
4) Press “Load XML” button to load sdb.xml from the USB flash drive
5) Android Programme List Edit app loads sdb.xml from the USB flash drive and show the list
6) Edit the channel list
7) Press “Save XML” button to save sdb.xml onto the USB flash drive
8) Android Programme List Edit app overwrites sdb.xml on the USB flash drive
9) Launch [Home]-[Settings]-[Channel Setup]-[Digital Setup]-[Technical Setup]
10) Import the channel list from the USB flash drive by [Program List Transfer]-[Import]-[Yes]-[Yes] => sdb.xml will be loaded and applied to the channel list
11) Uninstall Android Programme List Edit app from [Home]-[Settings]-[Apps]-[Programme List Edit]-[Uninstall]
Known Limitations:
 Radio services can't be edited on app. Workaround: Edit radio services on [Home]-[Settings]-[Channel setup]-[Digital setup]-[Digital Tuning or Satellite Set-up]-[Programme List Edit]
 Focus doesn’t move well by using remote control’s digit buttons (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) within current channel list. Workaround: Move focus by using remote control’s UP or DOWN buttons.
2 / 2
Button to load channel list from USB flash drive which is exported on [Home]-[Settings]-[Channel Setup]- [Digital Setup]-[Technical Setup]-[Program List Transfer]-[Export]
Button to save channel list to USB flash drive which is edited on app. It can be imported on [Home]-[Settings]-[Channel Setup]-[Digital Setup]-[Technical Setup]-[Program List Transfer]-[Import]
Button to change current channel list to others
Channel type of current list
Current focused channel. Further actions are:
- ENTER key shows “CHOOSE ACTION” dialog
- LEFT key takes the focus on “LOAD XML” button
- Digit key takes the focus to the indicated channel after timeout
Button to slide channel into further selected channel
Button to swap the channel with further selected channel
Button to delete channel. This is not available for “No Service”.
Не стоит прогибаться под изменчивый мир. Пусть лучше он прогнётся под нас!