Автор Тема: ViewSonic SB_001  (Прочитано 1118 раз)


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ViewSonic SB_001
« : 05 Ноября 2015, 13:07:14 »
To : Authorized Service Providers
Issue Date: February 25, 2004
ECO # : 3946-2
Model # : VG910s-1
Cut-in S/N : A31034700170-256, A31034700321
S/N Range :
Target Date :
Subject/Symptom: Firmware modification to resolve video noise for some units for DVI input with 640x350 @ 50/60/70Hz.
Prepared By :
Tommy Jue
Approved By :
Eileen Nguyen
Purpose: Firmware modification to resolve video noise for some units for DVI input with 640x350 @ 50/60/70Hz.
Countermeasure: The firmware will modify the dot clock to cover the clock tolerance of the Fujitsu panels.
Service Bulletin Application: ASP Distribution:
Recall. - USA ASP
Service Inventory, Repairs In-Process & No Problem Found (NPF). - Canada ASP
Repairs In-Process & NPF. - Latin America ASP
Repairs In-Process. - 3rd Party ASP
Technician judgement for unit under service (symptomatic). - Supplier Service ASP
- Limited ASP
- ViewSonic Internal
- Complete ASP Listing
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