To : Service Managers
Date: 24 January 2006
Copies : VSE Quality and Service Management
VSE Regional Service Managers
VSE Regional Technical Support Engineer
Subject : N3260W/ N3760/ N4060W -1E Audio crackle
Copy locally to : Help Desks Priority : High
ViewSonic Models : N3260W/ N3760/ N4060W -1E
Situation :
Where the fault reported on one of the above models is audio crackle, buzz or similar, the root cause is likely to be the tolerance of crystal loading capacitors C633 and C634 .
Corrective action is to remove the main board ( p/n 7TL3241RF110 for N3260W and 7TL3741RF110 for N3760W and N4060W ) , remove and change the two surface mount capacitors from 5pF to 22pF. This will require SMD rework capability for very small chip components by the ASP.
Order two capacitors type CAP-C1-Nxx60W from
See attached photos for capacitor location information on the main board.
A possible alternative method , where reworked boards are available, is to exchange the board in the LCDTV and arrange to have the original board reworked.
Refer to the Service Manual (available on the site) for disassembly instructions.
Reassemble and test TV tuner operation and basic control functions before clean and reboxing.
Modify all return goods not already modified.
Modify on customer complaint.
Information for reference
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