TC-P42C2, TC-P46C2, TC-P50C2, TC-P42X2, TC-P50X2, TC-P42S2, TC-P46S2, TC-P50S2, TC-P42U2, TC-P50U2, TC-42PX24, TC-50PX24, TC-50PS24
Picture flashing\flicker or picture lost when connected with component distribution amp.
Or..Audio distortion of garbled audio. While watching TV with HDMI signal the audio sound
suddenly becomes noisy (distortion, garbled, static or no sound or etc); After a few seconds the
sound becomes normal, however it appears again in a few hours.
Remedy: Upgrade software as indicated on Table 1 (this upgrade can be done by SD card method).
Table 1 Card A Card B
Model Version SDDL File Name Version EPOP File
TCP42S2, TCP46S2, TCP50S2,
TCP42U2, TCP50U2, TC50PS24 V1.320 V 2.00
TCP42C2, TCP46C2, TCP50C2,
TCP42X2, TCP50X2,
TC42PX24, TC50PX24, V2.320