Автор Тема: Using RT809H, cannot write into ext_csd partition of different emmc, need help..  (Прочитано 1340 раз)


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Hi everyone,
Somebody can help me with a informations...?
I use programmer RT809H for read/write emmc ic's, i use also adapter BGA153/169.
I can read all partitions of all emmc, like user area, boot 1, boot 2, ext_csd, rpmb.
I can write user area, boot 1, boot 2 but when i try to write into ext_csd partition programmer fail to write and software application is restarted.
I use Windows 7 and latest version of software...i change pc and the same issue.
Need help, please...
Thank you everyone!!


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ext_csd partition
blocked - no record available


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I know that rpmb are not use for written, but for ext_csd are write a few bytes inside, the rest are default and cannot be modify.


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Re: selftest RT809H error, need help..
« Ответ #3 : 21 Марта 2019, 18:40:55 »
Also run selftest on RT809H, test 0 (read) pass, test 1 (write) pass, test 2 (verify) fail...
I attach a picture with error, can somebody to give me more info about solving this issue?